Excel For Mac Vba Code To Get Stock Price
The following works fine on my non-mac machine. I'm looking for the equivalent that will work on my mac.
Function StockQuote(strTicker As String)
Dim strURL As String, strCSV As String
Dim dbClose As Double
' Compile the request URL
strURL = 'http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=' & strTicker & '&f=l1'
Set http = CreateObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP')
http.Open 'GET', strURL, False
strCSV = http.responseText
dbClose = Val(strCSV)
StockQuote = dbClose
Set http = Nothing
End Function
There are a few ways to get stock quotes into Excel. For example, there are commercial add-ins that can download historical stock quotes into Excel and provide tools for analyzing the information, creating charts, and providing oodles of technical analysis functions. This page describes using Excel web queries to get refreshable stock quotes in Excel. However, the old MSN data source no longer works, so I've explained how to create your own data source using Google Sheets.
Aug 02, 2013 I am trying to use VBA code in an EXCEL macro to get me the current stock price of 'bls'. Using MSN money web query doesn't work because after the VBA code opens the workbook with the web query, it doesn't get the information to after the macro is finished, which is too late.
Excel web queries allow you to import information from a web page into Excel. In the past, Microsoft provided a free MSN Money Stock Quote add-in for importing financial data, but they stopped supporting the add-in, and the MSN data source is no longer accessible (https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/quoteslookup).
For more information about creating web queries, see 'Excel Web Query Secrets Revealed.'
Stock Quotes in Excel via Google Sheets
Download bevy for mac. The GOOGLEFINANCE function in Google Sheets allows you to get delayed quotes for stocks and mutual funds. After creating a table for the symbols that you want, you can publish the sheet as a web page (via File > Publish to the Web). You can then import the data into Excel via a web query that uses the Google Sheet as the data source. To do this, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Start with a Google Sheets Template
We've created a Google Sheets template that uses the GOOGLEFINANCE function to display stock quotes. You can make a copy of that template and update it with your own list of stocks and mutual funds.
GET TEMPLATEStep 2: Add Stocks and Mutual Funds
To add a new stock symbol to the Google Sheet, type the symbol in column A, then copy the formulas from previous rows.
Step 3: Publish as a Web Page
To connect your Google Sheet document with Excel, first publish your Google Sheet document to the web. In Google Sheets, go to File > Publish to the Web.
From the dropdown box, select the StockQuotes worksheet. Then click the 'Publish' button and copy the URL that is shown highlighted in the screenshot below. Sony walkman nwz b142f drivers for mac pro.
This will make the worksheet viewable to anybody who ends up with the link to it. For security, you should only use the Google Sheet to list the stock quotes. Don't add other personal financial data to the published sheet.
Step 4: Import into Excel via a Web Query
Now you can use the URL of the published Google Sheet to import the data into Excel. Create a new Excel worksheet, then go to Data > Get External Data > From Web.
Paste the URL you copied from Google Sheets into the Address bar, then finish the wizard.
This will put your Google Sheet data directly into Excel:
To update the web query, go to Data > Refresh All.
With the data now in Excel, you can use VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH functions to reference the data in the web query. For example use a formula like =INDEX(D:D,MATCH('MSFT',B:B,0)) to get the Price for MSFT.
MSN Money Stock Quote Add-in
One way to work with stock quotes in Excel used to be the free MSN Money Stock Quote Add-in for Excel versions 2002 and 2003 (and 2007). But, Microsoft says that the add-in has 'expired' and there won't be any more updates of the add-in. The add-in used a data source that appears to be inactive now.
Historical Stock Quotes via Yahoo Finance
It may be possible to create a web query to access historical stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance or some other site, but I have found this approach to be somewhat cumbersome. Perhaps a better way to do this is to download historical stock quote data into Excel from Yahoo Finance:
After you enter the symbol, choose the date range you want and then press the 'Download to Spreadsheet' button at the bottom of the table. This will download the entire date range rather than just the stock quote data shown on the page.
AnalyzerXL.com sells a tool called DownloaderXL that allows you to download tabulated historical stock quotes into Excel. They also sell other add-ins related to technical analysis, portfolio tracking, options, etc.
More Options
- Stock Quotes in a Google Spreadsheet - at support.google.com - Google got it right. You can use the =GOOGLEFINANCE function to get stock quote data into your Google Spreadsheet directly from Google Finance. View an example template by Google here.
- Get Stock Quotes using Excel Macros - at chandoo.org - Describes a way to use VBA to get stock quote data from Yahoo Finance